Image of a river

About Barbara


Hello and welcome to my bio page. My name is Barbara Moorby.

I have always been interested in personal transformation and eventually this led me to Organic Intelligence® (OI™). I started with the End of Trauma™ Course (EOTC™), an online course which I highly recommend, and repeat each time it is offered. I then went on to train as an OI™ Coach, and I am now using my skills to support my clients’ emergent impulses for self-healing. I am currently deepening my understanding and appreciation of OI in the HEARTraining® (HEART™).

I am also a yoga teacher of over 25 years’ standing. Trained by the British Wheel of Yoga, I have taught yoga to babies and 90 year olds, in general and specialist classes. I have a long experience of adapting yoga to suit the individual’s needs. I bring my attunement and adaptive skills to my OI practice, meeting my clients where they are in the here and now.

I am fortunate to live in a small town in the UK and I enjoy walks in nature and conservation work with my local Wildlife Trust. I wonder what each new day will bring.

Accredited Badge
Multiple Trauma Vortex Certificate

Phase 2 Certificate

Biology to Cosmos Certificate

Accredited Certificate